This page will be updated soon.

Donors and sponsors are recognized on the SJRF website, in the Festival program, and in newsletters. They are also invited to the Donor Party; and receive tiered ticket packages. Contributions in any amount are graciously accepted. All contributions are eligible as a charitable tax donation.
Maple Leaf $5,000 (receives 4 ticket packages)
Entertainer $2,500 (receives 3 ticket packages)
Cascades $1,000 (receives 2 ticket packages)
Easy Winner $750 (receives 1 ticket package)
Swipsey $500 (receives 4 tickets to one concert)
Chrysanthemum $250 (receives 2 tickets to one concert)
Leola $100 (receives 1 ticket to one concert)
Call 660-826-2271 to donate by phone or mail donations to Scott Joplin International Ragtime Foundation
Festival Partners
Sedalia Area Tourism Commission / Sedalia Convention & Visitors Bureau Missouri Arts Council | Missouri Humanities Council | City of Sedalia Missouri Division of Tourism | Sedalia Heritage Foundation
Liberty Center Association for the Arts
George Cuseo
Jim Rauth
Katherine Menefee
Bill & Nancy Moss
David Almquist
Jerusha White
Jean Almquist
Dennis Reed
Maggie Yake
Marge Lumpe
Larry Melton
Anita Barrick
Dave "Smiley" Wallace, Jr.
Byron Matson
David Menefee
Diane Capps
Joyce Groebl
Anna Horton
Gene McPherson
Emma Curry
Farrell Pierce
Michael & Linda Sears
Robert Joyce
Roland Szabo
James Wenck
Monty Suffern
John Remmers
Robert Livingston
Bob Walters
Festival Sponsors – have provided funding for festival specific expenses.
Central Bank of Sedalia
Steinway Piano Gallery of Kansas City
Thompson Hills Shopping Center
Steak & Shake
Dairy Queen
AFC American Family Care Clinic
County Distributing
Ragtime Kids Sponsors
Jim Rauth
Kate Karp
Artist in Residence Sponsors
Sedalia Rotary Club, Sedalia Literacy Council, PTA’s: Parkview, Sacred Heart, Horace Mann, Washington, Skyline, Heber Hunt, Green Ridge, LaMonte, Dresden, Sedalia Middle School,
Festival Donors:
have provided product or services to offset festival specific expenses.
Upright Piano Donors
George Cuseo
Jim Rauth
Roland Szabo
Garrell Pierce
Anna Horton
James Wenck
Joyce Groebl
John Remmers
Monty Suffern
Robert Livingston
Michael & Linda Sears
Performer Sponsors
Jerusha White
Larry Melton
Dave "Smiley" Wallace, Jr.
Green Room Sponsors
Pepsi | Culligan Water | Kehde’s BBQ | Mr. Goodcents | McDonalds
Bandana's | LeMaire's Catfish | Pizza Hut | Perkins | Papa Jake's Donuts | Ozark Coffee Company | WalMart | Jimmy John's | Best Donuts
Donor Reception – County Distributing
have provided their time and talent in support of the festival.
Artistic Team
Bryan Wright, Artistic Director
Bill Edwards, Symposia Director
David Reffkin, Festival Historian,
Diane Skomars
Mary Grace Lanese, Festival Community Representative
William McNally, Ragtime Kids
Marketing Team
Official Photographer, Randy Kirby
Graphic Designers, Madge Gressley, Bob Walters
Videographer, Mike Kelley
Artist in Residence Team
Kathleen Boswell, Mary Grace Lanese
Sedalia Ragtime Archives Project
Coordinator – Larry Melton. Becky Imhauser, Sedalia Business Women
Venue Team
John Simmons, Sedalia Mayor & City Council, Sedalia Police Department, Sedalia Street Department, Furnell Investments, Weiser Tent Company, Sedalia Downtown Development Inc
Liberty Center Festival Headquarters Team
Technical & Sound—Carl Hutcherson
Multi-Media Presentations—Bill Edwards
Box Office – Evelyn Porter & Vickie Embree
Hospitality Team
Nancy Moss, Bill & Ann Richardson
Home Hosts
Greg & Kathleen Boswell
Ragtime Store Team
Katherine Menefee , Jill White, Reva Woodward, Scott Miller
Every attempt has been made to include all who have supported the festival. However if an acknowledgement has been omitted, please accept our apologies.