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Richard Dowling, Artist-In-Residence for 2018

Updated: Jun 13, 2024


The Scott Joplin Foundation is pleased to announce Richard Dowling as our 2018 Artist in Residence. Dowling, of New York City, will be in Sedalia Jan. 29 to Feb. 1 visiting the schools in and around Sedalia.        

The Artist in Residence is a component of the Local Awareness Campaign and is part of a youth-based Ragtime Curriculum Package designed to introduce grade-school students to: Scott Joplin as the King of Ragtime, Classic Ragtime as the root of American music, and Sedalia’s connection to American music history.   The Artist in Residence Program reaches approximately 3,000 students each year and has been sponsored by the Sedalia Rotary and local PTA’s since 1997.     

Dowling gave two concerts at Carnegie Hall on April 1, 2017, exactly 100 years

from the death of Scott Joplin. In the four hours of concerts, he played all 53 pieces written by Joplin, becoming the first-ever solo performer to play all of Joplin’s works in concert. Since that time, he has traveled the U.S. giving those two concerts, and has more booked for 2018. We are extremely glad to have him scheduled for the week here.      

In addition, Dowling will perform for a silent movie at the Liberty Center in downtown Sedalia.  The silent movie selection, “Safety Last” featuring Harold Lloyd, will begin at 7 p.m, Tuesday, January 30th.  Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door.

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